Saturday 22 October 2011

White-collar, my arse!

I am a clerk. I have a long, inscrutable job title, but I am basically a clerk. You couldn't get much more white collar than me. I am not really very hard. My hands are soft like a muppet's hands and when someone bumps into me I apologise six times. In theory, white-collar boxing means I should fight someone a bit like me, but it turns out I will be fighting the guy in this picture below (I've copied it from the Facebook site promoting the event).

He is probably a highly paid IT consultant, but he looks pretty hard to me. Not because he has tats and isn't wearing a shirt - though that's pretty hard - it's because he looks like he's spent some portion of life not worrying about his head. I don't mean he's not handsome or anything, he just looks like he might have played rugby and possibly broken his nose a few times. This means he's more accepting of pain. And his head looks solidly joined too his body. I don't think mine is. I think my head would fall off first, if it was to come to that.

It won't come to that. Boxing is pretty safe. Well, not all boxing, but I think they stop these fights pretty quick if it gets ugly. And I've won the expectations game; no one will expect me to win, and if I lose, people will think I was brave just to get in the ring with him.

But that's about as good as it gets at the moment. This thing is totally out of control.